“What’s the best, easiest social media platform now, so I can do it all in one place?”


That’s a question I saw posted in a Facebook group recently – and it’s also one I see asked so often out there ion the airwaves that I thought I’d answer by creating a video:



It is, of course, not a question with a simple answer!

Most people are on at least one social network, so although it’s still important to know that the people you want to reach will be there, the world has moved on from choosing your network based only on where your potential customers are.

There are other questions you should ask:

a. What do you want to achieve from your social media activity – for example do you want to raise brand and/ or product awareness with your end customer, or to encourage people to visit your website, or to shop directly from social media?

Or do you want to network with people who could potentially open doors for you?

(Each network operates differently and therefore different networks are better suited to supporting different tactics.)

b. What is your buying process (or customer journey)?

Do you want to attract enquiries and sales in an automated way? Or do you attract clients more effectively by chatting with them?

c. What type of content do you find it easiest to create? And how frequently can you post?

d.  What time can you set aside for engagement on social media? (All the algorithms that control all the social media networks are now based on engagement so it’s not a ‘nice-to-have’ any more – it’s an essential part of social media marketing!)

e. Which network do you find easiest and/ or most fun to use? If it all feels like a hard slog, that’s going to come across in your posts and responses!

f. Do you have a budget for ads, or do you want to achieve results organically? (If you want to achieve results quickly, then ads will help – but strategic networking can also be very effective!)


I hope that this is helpful and that these questions will get you thinking about using social media for your business in a way that doesn’t take over your working day – but that gives you the results you want!

If you;’d like to discover the quick wins that could make all the difference to your social media results, then why not get your copy of my free checklist?

In just a few minutes, you’ll know what’s working well for you – and what you can easily change to get the results you want!

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