by Julia | Nov 12, 2019 | Social Media, Social Media Strategy
“What’s the best, easiest social media platform now, so I can do it all in one place?” That’s a question I saw posted in a Facebook group recently – and it’s also one I see asked so often out there ion the airwaves that I...
by Julia | Oct 22, 2019 | Social Media, Social Media Strategy, Social media training
Are you planning, or thinking about social media training for a group? Whether you plan to provide social media training for your staff, colleagues or your clients, you’ll want the experience to be as valuable as possible. So I want to share what I’ve learned about...
by Julia | Sep 15, 2019 | Examples of Social Media in use, Influence, Social Media Strategy
Would you love to stand out from the crowd on social media in a unique way? In a way that not only boosts your business, but is great for the world in general? Then why not create a huggable brand? (And by that I mean one that goes out of its way to make customers and...
by admin1 | Apr 10, 2019 | Examples of Social Media in use, Relationship marketing, Social Media, Social Media Strategy
Do you ever think about your social media audience’s two most precious commodities? By using social media to promote our businesses, we are, by default, asking our audiences to give us some of these, so shouldn’t we be more aware of this? I explain below...
by Julia | Dec 20, 2018 | Facebook, Social Media Strategy
Do you find it a struggle to get engagement on your Facebook posts? Or would you like to attract more engagement more consistently? Then follow the tips and ideas in this article to really ramp up your response rate! Why is engagement so important? First, let’s recap...
by Julia | Sep 15, 2018 | Social Media, Social Media Strategy, Uncategorized
Do you want your audience to sit up and take notice of the posts you share on social media? Then please read on, as I want to share with you two words that can help you make all the difference with your social media content....